20 November 2011

Background - IPv6

A good systems/security/network administrator has a slew of tools up their sleeves to support their specialty. Unfortunately, many tools still do not support IPv6; those that do put a hurting on your wallet. The below was used to test connectivity across a router using iptables, to make sure the IPv6 addresses were successfully blocked.

The IPv6 Generator

<?php $startime = microtime(true);

$prefix = "fe80:1234:";
$octets = 6;
$fin = pow($octets, 65536);
echo "Resolving $fin IPv6 Addresses\n\n";

for($i = 0; $i<= $fin;$i++){
        $oct = dechex($i);
        $addytmp = str_pad($oct, ($octets*3), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $addytmp = str_split($addytmp, 4);
        $addy = implode(":", $addytmp);
        echo $prefix.$addy."\n";

echo "It took ".(microtime(true)-$startime)." seconds";

Other Uses You can even do something like the following to test IPv6 ranges for port scanning:

<?php $prefix = "fe80:1234:";
$octets = 6;
$fin = pow($octets, 65536);

for($i = 0; $i<= $fin;$i++){
        $oct = dechex($i);
        $addytmp = str_pad($oct, ($octets*3), "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
        $addytmp = str_split($addytmp, 4);
        $addy = implode(":", $addytmp);
        $fs = fsockopen($addy, 22);
              echo $addy." has port 22 open\n"; 


How long does it take you to run the above?

Update: I will be updating this script shortly to support automatic detection of provided octets and adding a multiplier to speed it up.

Tagged under generate-ipv6-addresses, generate-ipv6-addresses-ipv6, generate-ipv6-addresses-php, ip-v6, ipv6, ipv6-generator, ipv6-looping-script, ipv6-php-testing-script, ipv6-subnet, ipv6-subnetting, loop-ipv6, networks-ipv6, php-2, php-ipv6-generator, subnet-ipv6, v6-php-v6, and others
Mike Mackintosh

This post was written by Mike Mackintosh, a decorated security professional.

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