
Mike Mackintosh  |   Cell: 973.464.9026    |  Twitter: @mikemackintosh 
Belle Mead, NJ     | Web: |   GitHub: mikemackintosh



Shutterstock - New York, New York - World Leading Stock Content Provider
09/2013 - present, Security Engineering Lead

Verizon Wireless - Branchburg, New Jersey - Telecommunications
05/2012 - 09/2013, Principle Engineer, Security Engineering
05/2011 - 05/2012, Member of Technical Staff, Security Engineering

05/2008 - 05/2011, Technician-Switch, Network Repair

Noteworthy Side Projects

TitanOSX -
TitanOSX was inspired by the Etsy MIDAS project, but after an almost complete refactoring, I added client transparency. By this, there is a client utility which can be accessed to manage the tool, included monitors, and self-destructing reports. I also created a RESTful interface for online, remote reporting.

Masterbaker -
Masterbaker was ported from Soloist, one of the simplest ways to manage workstations using Chef. The large improvement of Masterbaker allows organizations to manage both company-wide and user-level run lists independently to give better control over configurations.

I've submitted several pull-requests which have been pulled into master which add support for unsigned 32-bit IP address parsing and IPv4#to_h methods. After showing interest in this project, I became a co-maintainer of it to help it grow.